Monday, November 26, 2012

Dynamic Duos Darling

I had such great intentions of working on my blog over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Well, here I am with insomnia getting the best of me and it's now the Monday after Thanksgiving.   I did get a lot of shopping done, cooked a lot of food, ate a lot of food, and best of all was probably Black Friday/Thursday with my 10 year old son.   This is our second year doing Black Friday together and it may become a tradition.  He loves it.  So who am I to say no?

I do have some holiday projects to post for December, so stay tuned.   Last year I kicked off my blog with a card a day in December until I ran out. I'm going to try and do the same this year.  I'm also the guest designer for Bombshell Stamps in December.  I have a couple of projects prepped, more to do, and am all around excited about being the December Bombshell pin up.   Sounds sexy doesn't it?   :-)   

  In the mean time, I'm thrilled to share some news with you.   My Victorian Holiday card (previous post) got selected as one of the Dynamic Duos Darling this past week.  I love that blog and their color challenges.

Here's my card.   And the post is HERE if you'd like to see more pictures and get more info.

And this is the color challenge for last week.   

Thank you to the ladies at Dynamic Duos and especially Jenny for selecting my card.  It's an honor and I love the inspiration I get from your challenges.   

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